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QHS Joins The Energy Efficiency Association

After the withdrawal of the Government's Green Deal scheme in 2015, and the subsequent changes to other various UK energy efficiency schemes in 2016, there was a lot of concern in the industry following the ceasing of Government funding to consumers for energy saving measures on their homes after very little take up.

This concern combined with the over-complicated limited offerings of the original Green Deal were not helping the consumer, plus some rogue traders were giving the sector a bad name. After many different discussions with companies across the energy efficiency sector about the way forward the Energy Efficiency Association (EEA) was set up in 2018.

The EEA is an independent body who are committed to providing unbiased information and expertise from within its membership to help UK consumers and businesses make informed decisions about energy efficiency, plus find trustworthy companies to help them complete energy efficiency projects.

QHS became a National Member of the EEA on 24th February 2022 as is passionately committed to energy efficiency and carbon reduction.

The EEA is a community which believes that everyone should have access to the resources that enable more efficient energy use. The EEA believes the most sustainable and affordable energy is the energy not used, as energy efficiency is good for the UK economy, the global environment and creates jobs in all sectors nationwide.

All EEA members like QHS agree to abide by the details in the EEA’s Code of Conduct. It is an extra layer of security that ensures EEA members are following best practice and procedures.


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