Quality, Honesty & Safety

QHS News

Child Safety Week 6th to 12th June 2022

Child Safety Week is an annual community education campaign run by the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT), acting as a catalyst for thousands of safety conversations and activities all over the country, a role fully supported by QHS, who are also assisting the promotion of Child Safety Week, which this year is from 6th to 12th June 2022.

As a multi-skilled home services provider, QHS understands the importance of raising awareness of the risks of child accidents and how they can be prevented. Our workforce attends regular training and toolbox talks to remain up to date with potential risks and safeguarding concerns that may be present in customer’s homes. We carry out thorough risk assessments on all jobs, utilise safety boarding to section of potential hazards when completing works and continue to monitor surroundings throughout every visit.

CAPT exists because accidents are still sadly a leading cause of death and serious injury for children and young people. CAPT see their core priority as promoting, initiating and undertaking child accident prevention activities that reduce serious injury rates among all children and young people and, in particular, reduce the marked inequalities between richer and poorer children.

To support this - CAPT have the following objectives:

To engage with families and communities through innovative educational campaigns and resources, benefiting all children and young people but especially targeting those at greatest risk of death and serious injury from preventable accidents.

To provide an authoritative source of information, support and networking for frontline staff, managers and policy makers interested in child accident prevention, using their links with researchers to share learning about what works.

To build beneficial partnerships with charitable, statutory and commercial organisations to extend the reach of their work, with a focus on those supporting children and young people at greatest risk of death and serious injury from preventable accidents.

To raise the profile of child accident prevention with key stakeholders, highlighting their role as the leading charity in this field.

Many of accidents can be prevented. CAPT help families build confidence and skills in managing the real risks to children's safety. They want all children to have the freedom to grow and learn, safe from serious harm.

QHS believes that all children deserve the freedom to grow and learn, safe from serious harm and therefore supports CAPT to help families build confidence and skills in managing the real risks to children's safety.

Safety is at the centre of every decision QHS make. Safety is our most important consideration at all times. Our staff are qualified to recognise actual and potential safety risks and take the appropriate responsible action. Read about QHS’s Child Safety Policy

QHS believes you may find this child focused interactive and educational Child Action Prevention Trust’s Parents Pack helpful, as it is designed to help parents keep their children safe.


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